
Western Australian forests are managed to the highest possible standard and have received several environmental certifications.

Many FIFWA Members, and other non-member companies are independently certified through various schemes such as Australian Forestry Standard, Responsible Wood and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), and continually work to maintain and improve upon their management systems to protect and preserve WA’s unique environment.

The WA Forest Products Commission is certified to the following standards:

These standards and systems ensure the FPC manage the forest to the highest possible standard and allow customers buying WA timbers to be confident the products have come from independently certified forest managers.

These certifications are received after undergoing a rigorous auditing process of management systems. In order to maintain certification, the FPC must also demonstrate they are continually improving their forest management systems to maintain certification.

If you would like to find out more about certification standards, check out the following websites:

Contact Us

Please fill out the form to get in touch.


Unit 1 Abridge House 5 Turner Avenue Bentley WA 6102




Within Australia 08 9472 3055
Outside Australia 61 8 94723055